

Some work which either never went live, or if it did it failed fast.


Product Design, Fullstack Engineering

2015 - 2017

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Various Works
Various Works
Various Works


These are ideas I explored at some point or another, some made it to market as MVPs then quickly failed, others were just experiments to validate a business idea.

Personal AI Assistant (2017)

I was really curious to explore the personal assistant space — an app to manage your calendar, contacts, and creating a hub for your personal connections. While I had some great learnings from this and trying out a quick proof of concept with friends, it ultimately was too early to be building something like this.

Voice Assistant (2016)

The idea here was to create an AI-voice assistant for managing various banking activities. This was pre LLMs and the latest AI craze, but back in 2016 I was pitching something similar to the various financial institutions I was working with.

Orion (2016)

A concept of internal tooling and dashboards for the team at Bunz.

Catch (2016)

TikTok before TikTok. Funny how these things work… based on the learnings from building out Bunz as a social network I saw the opportunity to build a video-only mobile app for realtime video, video-only posts, and connecting locally. Ultimately I decided to not pursue building this out as the data storage costs would have been astronomical.

Minimal Notetaking App (2015)

To learn Swift, I built out a very simple note taking app for MacOS. This was a great learning experience, and ultimately things like Notion and Evernote replaced what I was building out.

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© Varshney Design Inc.

© Varshney Design Inc.

© Varshney Design Inc.